Below you will find a list of terms used in our “Monthly Summary” emails. Click on a term to view a discription, use, and disclaimer (if applicable).


Unique Visitors is the number of unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your website over the course of a specified time period. (Thirty days in this case.)


This provides a number to compare against the number of “Page View” which can give some insight as to how many pages each visitor views.


We honor user requests to block cookies/tracking. This can decrease the accuracy of this statistic, however, it is typically 95% accurate.


A pageview is defined as a view of a page on your site that is being tracked by the Analytics tracking code. If a user clicks reload after reaching the page, this is counted as an additional pageview. If a user navigates to a different page and then returns to the original page, a second pageview is recorded as well.


This enables you to see how many times a page has been viewed on your site. This can be viewed as a total of all pages, or how many times an individual page has been viewed.


We honor user requests to block cookies/tracking. This can decrease the accuracy of this statistic, however, it is typically 95% accurate.


Your “Site Uptime” measures a websites availability, a percentage of how often your website is available to users.


This lets you know if there was anytime that your website was inaccessible to users. We aim to have only minutes of downtime per year. Our current record is 200 days (and counting)!


Our uptime is monitored by two seperate third-party services (Uptime Robot and FreshPing). We record downtime from both services, even if it doesn’t appear on both services.


The position number shown in the summary is the position of the topmost link to your site or page in search results, averaged across all queries in which your property appeared.


This tells you where your website is ranked (on average) for searches on Google. This is one of the most important factors to getting visitors from most search engines.


We only take numbers from the Google search engine. Google holds a 88% market share, and offers tools that assist us in creating our “monthly summary” emails.


A link URL records an impression when it appears in a search result for a user. A link does not have to be scrolled into view, it simply has to appear on the page a user is on.



We only take numbers from the Google search engine. Google holds a 88% market share, and offers tools that assist us in creating our “monthly summary” emails.


For most result types, any click that sends the user to a page outside of Google Search is counted as a click, and clicking a link that stays inside search results is not counted as a click.
Clicking a search result to an outside page, returning, then clicking the same link again counts as only one click. Clicking a different link counts as a click for each link clicked.



We only take numbers from the Google search engine. Google holds a 88% market share, and offers tools that assist us in creating our “monthly summary” emails.
Please note that the “Monthly Summary” emails are currently in beta. If you have any feedback, please let us know